Monday, December 9, 2019

Juvenile Restorative Justice System free essay sample

Juvenile restorative justice system is another options beside the correctional juvenile justice system. Juvenile restorative justice system is a new method of justice, its concentrate on repairing the harm and its involve the victims, the offenders, and the communities during restoration process. Where it will lead to restoration to the harm and the relationships between the delinquents, the victims and also with the communities.The first reasons why many people sponsoring juvenile restorative justice system rather than the traditional juvenile justice system (especially for the first time offenders) is, because of its restorative nature. In correctional juvenile justice system when a crime is committed, they will asks; who did it, which laws that have been broken by it, and what kind punishment for the offenders. In restorative justice instead of those question they will asks; who is responsible for it? what is the effect from the crime, and how to make it right or what is need to be done to restore it? (Bazemore Umbreit, 2001). We will write a custom essay sample on Juvenile Restorative Justice System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In restorative justice they want the offenders to understand what kind of harm they have caused for the victims and the communities. The restorative justice also wish for the victims and the communities to know the reasons why the offenders did the crime, and together deciding on what the offenders should do to restore the damage they have caused. It teaches the offenders to be responsible on their actions not only from the punishments but also by repairing the harm and by gaining the understanding on what are the domino (negative) effects from their offense. The second reasons why they are encouraging restorative justice system for juvenile delinquents above the traditional one, because of its varieties programs they can choose from and decide on which one will be the most appropriate for the situations. The most familiar programs

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